Network - Agriculture

Permaculture and planting of trees


28-05-2024 - Kl. 14:00-17:00


Lundtoftegade 41B
København N


Maria Graversen

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Members working with agriculture


This network is for organisations working with agriculture. It could be methods for organisation and training of farmers, various seeds and knowledge, and food security to mention some.

This event will be in English


The topic for this network meeting is permaculture and planting of trees.

The neeting will be hosted in cooperation between Permaculture Denmark and CISU - and the programme is a follows:

  1. Why are trees important in permaculture? Permaculture Denmark introduces the throughs behind agro-ecology and the principles for permaculture. we will learn about the characteristics of food forest and agro-forestry. Moreover, the presentation introduces some of the social challenges related to the transitition to these approaces.
  2. The Ugandan organisation Plants and Health Cooperative Society (Permaculture Denmark's project partner) shares their experiences with various methoids for tree planting and "mindset change" at farmer level from their projekt in Uganda. Some of the frequent challgenges are uncertainties by transforming the agricultural practices such as to change eating habbits and establishing a new market.
  3. Group discusion on experiences among the participants with tree planting and mapping of challenges and possible solutions in relation to planting and maintaining trees.
  4. Tour & Demonstration at Lundtoftegade permaculture garden

NB: this network meeting will be at Beboerhuset, Lundtoftegade 41B, 2200 København N.

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Medlemmer: 50,- DKK

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Arrangement: Network - Agriculture
Tilmeldingstype: Standard

Lundtoftegade 41B

2200 København N


Maria Graversen

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Medlemmer: 50,- DKK

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