Civil society in the Eastern neighborhood countries in a time of crisis

A deep dive into the current situation and future prospects


21-11-2024 - Kl. 14:00-17:00


Vartov (S)
Store Sal
Farvergade 27


Jacob Thorsen

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Anyone interested in learning more about the Eastern neighborhood countries and the current challenges facing civil society


  • An understanding of civil society and its role in democratic societies
  • Analyze the current challenges facing civil society in the Eastern neighborhood countries
  • Assess the impact of geopolitical events, such as the Russian aggression against Ukraine, on the work of civil society
  • Examine the different strategies civil society organizations use to promote democratic values, human rights, and social justice
  • Discuss the future prospects for civil society in the Eastern neighborhood countries


This seminar offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the current challenges and future prospects for civil society in Eastern neighborhood countries. Through a mix of theoretical and practical approaches, participants will develop a deep understanding of the role of civil society in promoting democratic values, social justice, and sustainable development in the region.

Speakers and experts from Denmark and Eastern neighborhood countries are invited to deliver key notes and participate in panel discussion (names will be announced later).


The seminar will be in English/Seminaret foregår på engelsk

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Arrangement: Civil society in the Eastern neighborhood countries in a time of crisis
Tilmeldingstype: Standard

Farvergade 27

1463 København


Jacob Thorsen

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Pris: 50,- DKK
Medlemmer: Gratis/Free

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