Community ownership and community decision-making - how can we improve?

How can we learn from Participatory grant making?


14-09-2024 - Kl. 13:00-15:00


Askov Højskole
Maltvej 1
Askov - Vejen


Søren Asboe Jørgensen

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Organsations interested in community participation as a key element in their work


  • Knowledge of what 'participatory grant making' can be in projects
  • reflection on what this could mean for your own projects


How can funds made available for community defined initiatives make a difference?

We often see projects where our partner's want communities to define their own priorities and approaches as part of the project process. But we are also often challenges by donors to be specific about describing our activities in a application.

Can good practice, in what we could call 'participatory grant making', be a way forward?

In this workshop Dorthe Skovgaard Mortensen (independent consultant - with close knowledge of both CISU and Dansk Handicap) will present her findings from a thematic review of a number of project financed by the Disability Fund (Handicap Puljen). It has been a long tradition of many disability organisations to make funds available for small scale projects defined by the target communities.

The findings is that this approach has potential - but also that working with such risk willing sub-grants can be done in a more systematic way. The reflections in 'participatory grant making' can be a key inspiration.

Dorthe will take us through:

  • What were the key finds from the Disability Fund projects
  • Concepts of Participatory grant making
  • Discussion: How can this be relevant for applications for Civil society Fund?


See material here:

Photo: Crossing Borders

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