Strategic Advocacy

Strengthen your project or program through a targeted and effective advocacy component


22-05-2025 - Kl. 10:00-12:00

05-06-2025 - Kl. 10:00-12:00

19-06-2025 - Kl. 10:00-12:00


Webinar (L)


Maya Lindberg Brink

Ledige pladser:





The course targets Danish and local partners, who have already worked a little with advocacy, but would like to strenghten the advocacy component of their joint project or programme, and already have ideas or plans in place for doing so. Participants will be expected to work on an advocacy plan within their project/programme group as part of the course and with inspiration, input and guidance from the course. Please note that at least one person from the Danish partner and one person from the local partner must sign up together.


At the end of the course you will:

  • be able to develop an advocacy plan for your advocacy activities and use advocacy more strategically in your project or program
  • be able to reflect your advocacy goals and initiatives as a strategic component in future applications for funding
  • have gained inspiration from both external resource people and your peers on impactful approaches and tools when advocating for your cause
  • have developed a network of peers engaged in advocacy work, that you can draw on


Are you working on initiatives, where you know that long term sustainable change and improvements for the many and not just the few will only come with a change in policy, legislation or public budget allocations? Have you already tried to engage with government entities, but experienced closed doors or a lack of follow up on commitments? Have you gathered strong data or evidence from your initiative on the need for changes to policy, legislation or budgets, but don't know how best to get across to decision makers? Would you like to strengthen the advocacy element of your current project or programme or include a strategic advocacy component in your next project or programme application?

Then perhaps this course is for you.

The course will take place over 3 online modules and will take you through how to place advocacy strategically within your project/programme, how to analyze your audience and target your messages accordingly, how to develop a coherent advocacy plan, advocacy methods and how to chose the right ones, relevant indicators for advocacy work and how to monitor them.

We will invite guest speakers to share inspiration on good advocacy work, the challenges they have faced and the results of their efforts.

Participants will be expected to work on assigned tasks within their project/programme before the first module and between the course modules, and will be supported to develop an advocacy plan for their project/programme - or to strengthen the plan, they already have in place.

The course will be conducted in English.

The 3 online sessions will have a duration of 2 hours each and will start at 10 AM CET on the following three dates

  • Thursday 22 May @ 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m
  • Thursday 5 June @ 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m
  • Thursday 19 June @ 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m

The training is therefore mainly relevant for projects/programmes with partners working in Asia/Africa.


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Pris: 100,- DKK

Medlemmer: 50,- DKK

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Du har valgt

Arrangement: Strategic Advocacy
Tilmeldingstype: Standard
  • 22-05-2025 - Kl. 10:00-12:00
  • 05-06-2025 - Kl. 10:00-12:00
  • 19-06-2025 - Kl. 10:00-12:00



Maya Lindberg Brink

Ledige pladser:




Pris: 100,- DKK
Medlemmer: 50,- DKK

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