Project design - based on CISU's project guide

Training sequence about how to prepare a good civil society project


24-10-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:00

31-10-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:30

14-11-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:30

07-11-2024 - Kl. 10:00-12:00


Webinar (L)


Christoph Lodemann

Ledige pladser:





The online training sequence is for CISU members and their partner organisations. We expect you to participate in groups per organisation/partner as you will work with your own project ideas. It is required that participants have at least some hands-on experiences with the preparation and implementation of projects.


By the end of the training sequence, you will have gained insight into the considerations, analyses, and processes you need to go through to develop a relevant civil society project. You will have been introduced to tools that can be used in the development of your project.


This training will be in English and consist of 4 online sessions, with tasks to be conducted between the sessions.

The sessions in in autumn 2024 are 24th Oct, 31st Oct, 7th Nov and 14th Nov - the sessions will begin at 10 AM CET each time and are therefore recommended if you have partners working in Asia/Africa. (we duplicate this course in spring 2025 with with start 15.00 CET to enable Lantin american partners to participate)

Online Session 1 (date: 24.10.2024 from 10.00 to 11.00 AM CET):


We will introduce you to the concept of this training and to the learning site that support the training.

Presentation of content: Introduction to Project planning and design.

Home study (1 hour):

You will need to do short exercises on the learning platform

You are expected to read the CISU project guide page 1 to 37 before the online session 2, as well as the case “Young in the City”.

Online Session 2 (date: 31.10.2024 10.00 to 11.30 AM CET):

Presentation of content: Step 1: Context and problem analysis, as well as stakeholder analysis. Making the project choice.

There will be a structured Q&A session about the topics you have prepared for today. There will further be a group session on how to apply one of the specific tools to support step 1.

Home exercise (1 hour for exercises, 1 hour reading):

Exercise (Danish CSO together with partner): You will work on applying some of the tools presented for the context and problem analysis.

You are expected to read the CISU project guide page 39 to 81 before the online session 3, as well as the two-pagers about Theory of Change and Result Frameworks.

Online Session 3 (date: 7.11.2024 10.00 to 12.00 AM CET):

Presentation of content: Step 2: Concepts for project design (including theory of change and result frameworks).

There will be a structured Q&A session about the topics you have prepared for today. There will further be group session on how to apply specific tools to support project design.

Home exercise (1 hour exercise, 1 hour reading):

Exercise (Danish CSO together with partner): You will apply some of the learned by elaborating a Theory of Change and a Result Framework by yourself.

You are expected to read the CISU project guide page 83 to 104 before the online session 4.

Online Session 4 (14.11.2024 10.00 to 11.30 AM CET):

Presentation of content: Step 3: Inception phase: getting ready to start your project.

The homework of the participants will be shared and discussed in groups. There will be a structured Q&A session about the topics of today’s session.

After the training: You will have access to the learning platform if you wish to revise some topics or access relevant resources.


You can read CISU’s project guide at

SPROG/LANGUAGE: Kursusrækken bliver afholdt på engelsk/The courses will be in English.

[Illustration is AI generated]

Vælg tilmeldingstype

CISU medlemsorganisation tilmelding (Alle 4 moduler)

Medlemmer: 200,- DKK

International partner registration

Medlemmer: Gratis/Free

Du kan kontakte os på / 8612 0342 hvis:
- du har tekniske udfordringer ifm. din tilmelding
- du har spørgsmål af praktisk karakter til et arrangement
- du bliver forhindret i at deltage i et arrangement, som du har tilmeldt dig
- hvis tilmeldingsfristen til et arrangement, du ønsker at deltage i, er overskredet.
For alle betalingsarrangementer gælder det, at afmelding skal ske senest en uge før afholdelse for at få refunderet kursusgebyret.
OBS: Når du tilmelder dig et af CISUs arrangementer, indsamler vi almindelige personoplysninger om dig. Læs CISUs persondatapolitik for mere information.

Du har valgt

Arrangement: Project design - based on CISU's project guide
Tilmeldingstype: CISU medlemsorganisation tilmelding (Alle 4 moduler)
  • 24-10-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:00
  • 31-10-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:30
  • 14-11-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:30
  • 07-11-2024 - Kl. 10:00-12:00



Christoph Lodemann

Ledige pladser:




Medlemmer: 200,- DKK
Arrangement: Project design - based on CISU's project guide
Tilmeldingstype: International partner registration
  • 24-10-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:00
  • 31-10-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:30
  • 14-11-2024 - Kl. 10:00-11:30
  • 07-11-2024 - Kl. 10:00-12:00



Christoph Lodemann

Ledige pladser:




Medlemmer: Gratis/Free

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