Adjustments Neighbourhood Fund guidelines
Understand the major adjustments in the Neighbourhood Fund guidelines
Tider: |
30-01-2025 - Kl. 15:30-17:00 |
Afholdelsessted: |
Webinar (M) |
Kursusansvarlig: |
Jacob Thorsen |
Ledige pladser: |
35 |
Tilmeldingsfrist: |
28.01.2025 |
Organisations engaged in the eastern neighbourhood countries
To understand and apply the updated Neighbourhood Fund guidelines.
The adjustments of the Neighbourhood Fund guidelines are done based on the experiences from its first year of existence, which have shown there is the need to place an even stronger emphasis on the ‘contextual specifics’ in the eastern neighbourhood countries by explicitly clarifying the position of the Neighbourhood Fund with its own specific purposes.
This gives greater room for addressing the realities of the region, notably the conflict-affected contexts, by e.g. providing support for resilience-building among vulnerable groups, and allow for higher proportions of strategic deliveries, while waiving requirements for sustainability and advocacy.
Additionally, the guidelines now more explicitly support interventions engaging with authorities to enhance public service delivery targeting vulnerable groups, thereby further aligning interventions with the challenges and opportunities within this region.
At the online meeting we shall explain in greater details about the adjustments.
The adjusted guidelines will take effect from February 3, 2025.
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Du har valgt
Arrangement: | Adjustments Neighbourhood Fund guidelines |
Tilmeldingstype: | Standard |
Afholdelsessted: |
Online |
Kursusansvarlig: |
Jacob Thorsen |
Ledige pladser: |
35 |
Tilmeldingsfrist: |
28.01.2025 |
Pris: | Gratis/Free |
Medlemmer: | Gratis/Free |