ActionAid Palestine


West Bank



Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke Actionaid

ActionAid commenced work in Palestine in 2007 as a program of ActionAid Australia (formerly Austcare). In 2012, ActionAid Palestine became a full country program within the ActionAid Federation. The handover from ActionAid Australia to ActionAid International was completed in December 2014. However, ActionAid Palestine continues to be registered as a branch of ActionAid Australia in front of the Palestinian National Authority. The first Country Strategy Paper “People’s Action for Justice 2013-2017” provided us the opportunity to explore and test new approaches to development and humanitarian action in protracted crisis. ActionAid’s human rights-based approach (HRBA) as well as the principles of the Accountability, Learning and Planning System (ALPS) were instrumental to the evolution of ActionAid Palestine. In 2018, ActionAid Palestine developed its second CSP “Collective Action for Palestinian Justice 2018-2022” which confirms ActionAid Palestine’s commitment to continuity and alignment; it builds on our first strategy People’s Action for Justice and embraces ActionAid International's strategy Action for Global Justice 2028 and contextualizes it in the Palestinian context. AAP Strategy 2022 provides a 5-year strategic direction that governs and directs the presence and operation of ActionAid in Palestine. This strategy is driven by the national priorities for the Palestinian people and formulated considering a contextual analysis that explored the current and potential challenges and opportunities in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) and the region in relation to the Palestinian people’s national and human rights. Please see further and continued description under this chapter in the annexed document under the application.