Uganda Science Journalists Association


P.O.Box 16569 Wandegeya

- Kampala

+256772881727 http://none


Danish Development Research Network (DDRN)


Empowerment of Science Journalists and CSOs in Uganda and Rwanda for Research-Based Advocacy

USJA was founded in 2005 by a group of journalists following in 2004 the outbreak of the Sars disease. Ugandan journalists then felt they needed to build their capacity in reporting areas related to science especially to be able to communicate such areas effectively. USJA primarily based its growth on the membership of the Environmental Journalists Association of Uganda (EJAU), which was very active at that time, and it is safe to say that the EJAU was assimilated by USJA, which had a broader outlook. We work to build the capacity of journalists to enable them report science and research accurately, increase the editorial attention to science and research in the mainstream media, and contribute to the activities of the broader civil society towards democratisation and improved livelihood. Our activities include the training of journalists, communication officers and scientists in the communication of research, science and technology related areas, organising activities for the promotion of critical science journalism and science communication, and conducting research as well as disseminating quality science and technology information through different media channels.