Refreshing Hope Youth Initiative



042 Enugu

+2347053842688 http://Refreshing Hope Youth Initiative


Frikirken International Church

Refreshing Hope Youth Initiative (RH) is a Non-Governmental & Non-Partisan Organization based in Enugu and with affiliation to Denmark . The idea and name were conceived years back while in Denmark, where I was involved in different voluntary activities. During those days, I observed with keen interest how children, teenagers and others were handled gently . I thought to myself, that it would really be nice to borrow that . We in RH, are “Change Agents” for the Development of the Nigerian Nation. We are passionate about raising hope, encouraging godliness and originality, as well as harnessing hidden talents of the children & youth in the society. We believe that in every child there is a talent, which when identified & properly harnessed can benefit both the child, family and society at large. RH works to raise bold, confident and yet respectful young people who will become responsible leaders of the future. We advocate for honesty, friendliness and fair play, as well as gender equality for both boys and girls. We are so anti-abuse/violence especially amongst the defend less children, that we openly confront violators and speak boldly against it at every given opportunity. There has been increased drug dependence, cultism, anxiety, depression including suicide amongst very young children in the society, which has directly & indirectly been associated with abuse and violence. This further increased our curiosity and the desire to fight the menace at all possible cost. We are involved in different activities geared towards promoting a culture of non violence (eg, sports, talent exhibition, training programs)at all levels. Discourage intimidation and discrimination. We are involved in school outreaches, visit to orphanages, parents & teachers education, as well as youth mentoring & coaching. All these have yielded some positive changes, though not so visible because of the limited scope of coverage