Target Hygienics


Turning Point, Pipeline Road, Johnsonville Township




Saving Rivers and Lakes

Target Hygienics have implemented community-based projects in Liberia at the community, district and county level throughout Liberia. Since our inception as organization, we have implemented over 25 major community-based projects in the country, including the highly successful Youth Against Ebola project, which helped combat the spread of the virus in 55 communities in Margibi and benefited over 5,620 households directly. We also played a pivotal role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, earning international recognition for our outstanding contributions to creating a safe environment. Our influential presence in Liberia enhances growth in health, hygiene and the environment. Our established reputation and strong voice in the country amplify our impact in driving environmental education and fostering a sense of collective responsibility among the students and schools and community at large. This influential position has enables us to effectively engage with local communities and educational institutions, making us a valuable partner in our efforts to create a greener and more ecologically aware Monrovia and Liberia at large