Community Sustainable Development Network - CSD - Network Ghana


CSD – Network (Pebi School) Box SP 288




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Community Sustainable Development Network or simply (CSD – Network, Ghana) is a registered rural not for profit organisation in the Mfantseman Municipal, Central Region, Ghana. The idea started as a local community based organization dubbed ‘KUNTU – PEBI DEVELOPMENT PROJECT’ (KPDP) Led by Bismark Asempapah in the year 2014 and in the year 2017 obtained official registration with Registration Number: CG072852017 and further obtained Social Welfare Recognition (Reg. No. D.S.W./7689) in January 2019. The organisation is represented by a synergy of development initiatives in nearby communities with the mandate to facilitate localized development through education for all, economic empowerment, life skills training and advocacy. The core of this mandate is to help the less fortunate and marginalized children and mobilization of the youth for development action. Mission Statement To be the leading NGO that creates opportunities and possibilities for local development through education, life skills training and advocacy. Vision To have self-sustaining communities and bridging the gap between the less fortunate and the rich in society Key program areas • Primary/Basic Education • Health and Sanitation • Life Skills training and empowerment Objectives • To assist vulnerable and marginalized children to actualize their dreams • To facilitate local development through education, women empowerment, advocacy, capacity building, training and development • To promote environmental sanitation Accomplishments • Capacity building workshops for parents and teachers at Pebi School Complex • Skills training for women • Implemented School gardening project to supplement the nutritional needs for the children • Intervene the unlawful attempt by an estate developer to takeover about 70% of the land in Pebi and sending the residents away. • Construction of six unit classroom facility at Pebi – Pending government absorption