Krono Danish Organisation (KROBODAN)


Box KF 923 Koforidua

KF Koforidua



Landsforeningen for Økosamfund

KROBO DANISH ASSOCIATION (KROBODAN) emerged in 1989, evolving from a friendship organization that collaborated with the Royal Danish Embassy in Ghana on various developmental projects such as constructing water wells and feeder roads. Initially established as a friendship organisation, KROBODAN registered with a refined focus on assisting vulnerable and marginalized communities in the Eastern Region, Ghana. The vision is to create an egalitarian society where marginalized groups, especially the poor and children, have equal access to wealth, health, and education, thereby contributing acti vely to national development. KROBODAN's mission is to alleviate poverty, hunger, and ignorance among vulnerable populations while fostering civil society growth and gender equality. To achieve this, KROBODAN provides agricultural extension services, trains individuals in innovative farming techniques, and facilitates market linkages for agricultural produce. Research conducted identified key target groups: Single mothers, landless farmers, youth, and PWD’s as the most vulnerable in need of assistance. The research highlighted that over 50% of mothers above 18 years were single mothers, due to teenage pregnancy, separation, or divorce, exacerbated by economic challenges and inadequate SRHE. Approximately 70% of farmers in the operational area are landless, relying on exploitative land tenure systems for farming. Landlessness disproportionately affects women, as tradition bar them from land ownership. To address these challenges, KROBODAN prioritize alternative livelihood initiatives aimed at reducing poverty, improving health, and increasing access to quality education, aligning with SDG 1, 2, 3, and 4. Moreover, KROBODAN advocates for the inclusion and empowerment of PWD’s. The holistic approach to development encompasses targeted interventions to uplift vulnerable populations, promote gender equality, and foster sustainable socio-economic progress.