

00300 Nairobi




Describe the history, purpose and primary activities of the organization (max 2000 characters): KITUO CHA SHERIA-LEGAL ADVICE CENTRE BIO AND ACHIEVEMENTS Kituo Cha Sheria-Legal Advice Centre (KITUO) is the oldest, most experienced legal aid providing and human rights non-governmental organization in Kenya, East, Central and the Horn of Africa. Established in 1973, KITUO exists to empower disadvantaged, poor, and marginalized people in Kenya and to enhance equity and access to justice for all. KITUO continues to implement programmes to address systemic causes of inequality and injustice, with a particular focus on providing legal aid, empowering, advocating, and lobbying for the poor across Kenya, including forced migrants and internally displaced persons. OUR VISION- A Just and Equitable Society. OUR MISSION- To provide general legal education to the Kenyan people through the delivery of civic education programmes, legal aid, and strategic public interest litigation as well as to monitor the implementation by the State of the constitutional provisions on human and peoples’ rights through regular research and reporting. OUR VALUES • Respect for human rights, commitment to justice and equity for all, solidarity with pro-poor individuals and agencies, courage in promoting social transformation and empowerment of the poor and marginalized, service through volunteerism, transparency, reliability, and accountability, obligation to upholding the rule of law, professionalism OUR TEAM Our team is composed of multi-disciplinary and full-time established professionals. Inspired by our founding members’ humble yet visionary work to offer free legal aid and education to poor Kenyans, our team’s dedication to enhancing equity and access to justice for all has resulted in KITUO’s stability over the years and has contributed to our ability to meet set objectives. In addition to hired staff, KITUO also receives support across Kenya from volunteer advocates and community paralegals.