Askov Folk School on a sunny day Photo: Askov Højskole

This year we will meet again at the annual Education Weekend at Askov Folk School. The weekend is an oppurtunity for members to network and dive into current matters related to development work, civil society and the future.

In 2024, focus will be on the change we create together around the world and in Denmark. What foot prints do we leave in the world? What is the significance of partnerships?

The program will have four tracks which frame the conversations and reflections during the Education Weekend. You put together your own program during the weekend.

Download The program

Sign-up for the weekend

Program - latest update 19th of June 2024 Photo: Graphics by Henrik Huus Mikkelsen

Read more about the sessions in English during the weekend

Practical information

The program begins approx. at 5.30 pm on Friday 13 September and ends approx. at 3 pm on Sunday 15 September.
  • The registration covers the whole weekend with workshops and meals, and you can select whether you want a single or shared room. Shared rooms have two or three beds. There will be a limited number of single bedrooms so that as many participants as possible can join the Education Weekend. If you want to share your room with a specific person please let us know at, then we will attempt to make it possible.
  • This year we have introduced Early Bird prices, as we would prefer to see as many participants as possible sign-up before the summer holidays. This means that until June 16, the price for participation will be reduced by DKK 200 (or 20% for the cheapest rooms).
  • The prices after June 17 until the registration deadline August 12: Single bedroom DKK 1000. Shared bedroom DKK 700, students and international partners in shared bedroom DKK 500.
  • We continue with special prices for students with valid student cards and international partners for shared bedrooms.
  • The prices include accomodation, board and workshops. Drinks are paid for separately via MobilePay. 
  • Catering will be pescetarian. Please let us know if you have special dietary/allergenic conditions by August 28 at the latest by writing to
  • There is a direct bus from Vejen Station to the Folk school (Bus 148)


Most plenary sessions will be in English so that all partners and international guests can join most of the program. The individual workshops will be either in Danish or English, this will be clearly stated in the workshop titles. In all sessions with parallel workshops, there will be at least 1 workshop in English

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