Youth-led Civic Action and Social Cohesion: strenghtening the opportunities and competencies of youth in Ghana, Kenya, and Somaliland to engage in civic society and to act


01.02.2025 - 14.03.2025

Beviliget beløb:

47.636,- DKK

Samlet budget:

3.404.815,- DKK






Support for application process

World goals:

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 11: Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Indsatser foregår i:

Ghana Kenya Somaliland


The proposed intervention aligns with the Civil Society Fund by promoting youth civic engagement, fostering cooperation between EU and Sub-Saharan youth organizations, and building organizational capacity. Through non-formal education, youth leadership, and dialogue, the project addresses inclusion, gender equity, and post-conflict reconciliation, meeting the priorities of the Erasmus+ "Capacity Building in the Field of Youth" guidelines. GAME, SCORE, DUNK, and MIDRIFT bring proven expertise in using sports for social change and youth empowerment, ensuring a robust partnership. Support from the Civil Society Fund will enable engagement of an EU proposal expert to navigate the complex application process, significantly enhancing success potential. The project’s alignment with donor objectives, including youth leadership, civic action, and anti-discrimination, positions it strongly for funding under the EU’s strategic priorities, such as the Youth Mobility for Africa initiative.