Inclusion of displaced people with disabilities in Ukraine


18.01.2017 - 30.11.2018

Beviliget beløb:

473.415,- DKK


AMIS – A More Inclusive Society


Coalition to protect the rights of people with intellectual disabilities


Puljen for Naboskab


Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

The overall objective is advocacy and implementation of the main principles of policy-making in the field of intellectual disability in local communities, established by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD, 2006) and affirming the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 4 – ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong opportunities for all. This process will let the budget means to be used more efficiently, in order to ensure the economic, social, cultural rights of local people regardless of their health status and taking into account their special needs with the aim to establish a transparent and inclusive development, in consistency with Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Umiddelbare mål

The specific objectives are aimed at developing tools for advocacy activities through best inclusion practices based on the main principles of UN CRPD and the Sustainable Development Goals. The specific objectives will be met by addressing some immanent needs for the evacuated people with disabilities into some first practical steps in min. 5 pilot local areas of Ukraine and thereafter ensuring multiplication and sustainability measures in all of Ukraine through the 116 member CSOs of the All-Ukrainian NGO Coalition. 1. Developing strategic deliveries by making (relief) community based social care programs for the internally transmitted persons with intellectual disabilities and in parallel the training programs for mothers/parents/families about advocacy issues. 2. Establish capacity building for local organizations assisting evacuated people with disabilities: Mothers/parents and adult children with disabilities on how to advocate at the individual level - about the statutory guaranteed help for the internally transmitted persons with disabilities as for rehabilitation and social services and in parallel - training to self-advocates 3. Developing advocacy practices for and with persons with ID and their mothers, families and personnel developing: ? information in the easy to read language for persons with intellectual disabilities on how to apply for help or evacuation in the case of war actions ? information to personnel on how to inform persons with intellectual disabilities about the disaster, some risks connected with extraordinary situation ? information to personnel on how to inform persons with intellectual disabilities about the disaster, some risks connected with extraordinary situation, how to prepare persons with intellectual disabilities to evacuation ? information to politicians and administrators on how to implement lasting and sustainable change for a significant number of people with disabilities


The project tries to work with a target group of approx. 250 persons with ID in the five pilot localities, all have been evacuated. Together with their families who amounts approx. 225 relatives of which the key actors among the beneficiaries will be the mothers who any way shall be a driving force in the change process. But it is important to involve the families as much as possible to create a traditional momentum I a Ukrainian context. Additionally to these two groups, is also the participation of (1) the local organisations of parents/mothers to children with disabilities, and (2) the staff occupied with the care and (if) existing services for the persons with ID. In the 5 localities these two groups will double the participating people. In total, you may say the primary and secondary target groups in the 5 pilot localities amounts to approximately 500 people who will be motivated and supported to enter into dialogue with the decision making bodies as well as the civil society at a whole.


Et samfund skal altid bedømmes ud fra hvordan det behandler sine svageste borgere som f.eks. mennesker med handicap. I Ukraine står det meget slemt til efter europæiske standarder, ikke kun fordi landet er i krig med Rusland og socialt og økonomisk står i ”frit” fald. Den fagprofessionelle defektologi og kultur og traditioner gør at mennesker med handicap virkelig er udsatte. Med dette projekt vil partnerne derfor tage et vigtigt skridt til at styrke fortalervirksomheden for og med mennesker med intellektuelle handicap (PIDs), som er blandt de allermest udsatte. Vi vil gøre dette ved at opbygge 5 løsningsmodeller i regioner med evakuerede familier med IDs der tjene som konkrete eksempler på, hvad og hvordan man kan forbedre forholdene for PIDs ikke mindst ift. job og jobtræning, dagtilbud. Og udviklingen af disse tilbud vil projektet arbejde med at øge organisationernes kapacitet til at netværke, gå i dialog med myndighederne og synliggøre mennesker med ID. Projektet vil konkret involvere 2.500 mennesker direkte med udgangspunkt i 116 lokale foreninger for PIDs fordelt i alle Ukraines regioner (også de 2 ”løsrevne)