Southern Voices on Adaptation to Climate Change - From Principles into Practice


01.01.2016 - 30.06.2018

Beviliget beløb:

5.000.000,- DKK


CARE Danmark


ABANTU for Development Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace - Archdiocese of Lilongwe (CCJP) CISONECC Clean Energy Nepal (CEN) Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA) Janathakshan (CANSA Sri Lanka) National Council of Churches Kenya (NCCK) Sotzil SUSWATCH Latin America The NGO Forum on Cambodia The Vietnam NGO Climate Change Working Group (CCWG)


Puljen for Klima og Miljø


Længerevarende indsats (PKM)

Indsatser foregår i:

Bangladesh Cambodia Ghana Guatemala India Kenya Malawi Nepal Nicaragua Sri Lanka Vietnam

Overordnede mål

Development objective: Adaptation planning and implementation processes across the world meet the needs and respect the rights of the poorest and most vulnerable sectors of society. Overall intervention objective: The Joint Principles for Adaptation have been established as a recognized tool for promoting good practice in climate adaptation planning, monitoring and implementation

Umiddelbare mål

1) Partner networks have successfully influenced national frameworks for CC adaptation to be more equitable, effective and supportive of the empowerment of local communities to adapt to climate change 2)Civil society organisations improve their capacity to champion good practice in national processes for climate change adaptation 3)International recognition of the JPA by different policy, financial and technical actors is achieved


Primary target group: The participant climate policy networks - national and regional climate networks - and their CSO members. They usually include a mix of local CSOs, national NGOs and international NGO - country offices Secondary target groups - are the advocacy targets of the project, and include: - Policy-makers and media - Local and sub-national government officials - Parlimament, ministiers, advisors and government officers also in climate sensitive - sectors essential for adaptation readiness - Government delegations to the UNFCCC NAP Expos and training workshops on NAPs etc. - Intergovernmental institutions engaged in climate change adaptation, such as, UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, Regional Development Banks etc.


Klimaforandringer truer med at underminere udviklingsresultater og øge fattigdommen. Sydbaserede nationale klimanetværker har i projektets første fase udviklet et sæt fælles principper for god klimatilpasning i fattige lande - "Joint Principles for Adaptation" (JPA. Principperne er blevet testet gennem fortalervirksomhed og i dialog med regeringer for at fremme nationale politikker for klimatilpasning, der støtter de fattige og mest sårbare grupper til at klare konsekvenserne at et klima i forandring. Den ny fase vil styrke netværkene i at få indflydelse på klimapolitikker og opnå international anerkendelse af principperne. Netværkenes kapacitet til anvendelse af principperne i den nationale og lokale kontekst skal styrkes; målet er at opnå konkrete forbedringer i politikker for klimatilpasning på nationalt og lokalt niveau som kan tilskrives arbejdet med principperne. Dokumentation af resultater og udfordringer skal bane vejen for bredere anerkendelse af principperne blandt internationale aktører og give klimanetværkene større gennemslagskraft i dialogprocesser og offentligheden.