Overordnede mål
The overall objective of this intervention is to contribute to reduce the spread of STD’s and violence, rape and abuse of sex workers and women in general.
Umiddelbare mål
The specific objectives of the intervention are threefold: 1. Awareness raising towards general public on violence, rape and abusive behavior towards women in general, in particular sex workers 2. Increase knowledge among sex workers on how and where to retrieve assistance when experiencing violence/rape including information on STD's 3. Strengthen local partners skills and network including ability to conduct focused advocacy
There are several target groups in the intervention. The primary target group is that of sex workers in Freetown - including board members of Pink Power and Brighter Horizons Sierra Leone. The secondary target group consists of the general public in Freetown, including police officers from 8 districts.
This intervention takes place in Freetown, Sierra Leone and targets primarily the marginalized and vulnerable group of sex workers. The objective of the intervention is to contribute to reduce the spread of STD's and violence, rape and abuse of sex workers and women in general. Focus throughout the intervention is on; awareness raising towards general public and police force; increase of knowledge among sex workers regarding where to retrieve valid information/assistance related to abuse and STD's and; the strengthening of local partners' skills and network to conduct advocacy and maximize impact regarding daily lives of sex workers. This is done via a series of interlinked outreach activities as well as capacity building initiatives - both on organisational and personal/professional level.