The "Partnership Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture" (PPCSA) aims to improve the livelihoods and resilience of 5.500 small farmers in Cambodia against climate change and environmental shocks. The strategy involves demonstrating Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices on farmers’ fields through their own Democratic Rural Organizations (DROs). The intervention will further build and institutionalize the climate adaptation capacity of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tier DROs and local NGOs, with objectives to (1): Promote CSA adoption by smallholder farmers, who in turn improve productivity, income and reduce vulnerability to environmental risks, (2): Improve uniform and marketable production through participatory farmer groups, and (3): Advocate for institutional support for CSA. The PPCSA assumes continued tolerance for a dialogue-based advocacy approach and efficiency of CSA methods in all targeted provinces post COVID-19, supply chain disturbances, economic decline, and rising poverty.