Peace keeping, democracy and improved human rights through mobilization and training of young boys and girls in Sierra Leone


01.08.2017 - 31.07.2019

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1.264.204,- DKK


For a new tomorrow (FANT)


FANT SL - Football for A New Tomorrow Sierra Leone





Indsatser foregår i:

Sierra Leone

Overordnede mål

Improved living conditions and human rights among marginalized boys and girls, and a stronger and more coherent civil society in Sierra Leone

Umiddelbare mål

There are 2 specific objectives in the project: 1. Girls in 10 communities are organised and educated in human rights 2. Marginalized boys are included more effectively in society


There are 4 target groups, 2 for each specific objective. Concerning specific objective 1: Primary target group consists of 100 girls from the age of 10-30 years, ten from each of the communities. Secondary target group consists of 10 female leaders from fant and approx. 2000 girls from the 10 local communities Concerning specific objective 2: Primary target group is 100 young boys from the age of 12-25 years, ten from each of the communities participating in the project. Secondary target group is 10 leaders from fant and approx. 2000 boys in the 10 participating communities. It is an important aspect in fant's work in Sierra Leone to include females just as much as males, and mostly actually more emphasis on the former.


Projektet fokuserer på udsatte unge i Sierra Leone. Unge drenge uden for arbejdsmarkedet eller uddannelsessystemet har begrænsede muligheder for politisk indflydelse og bliver ikke inkluderet af den politiske debat i Sierra Leone. Ligeledes er piger andenrangs borgere, der ofte nedprioriteres og desuden er konstant ofre for fysisk og psykisk vold. Projektet organiserer og mobiliserer to de målgrupper, med fokus på bl.a. fortalervirksomhed, ligestilling og demokratisk fredelig deltagelse i det sierraleonske samfund. Via en række træningsprogrammer får piger mulighed for at organisere sig og udarbejde en strategi for større inklusion i 10 lokalsamfund.