Promoting Children's Right to Parental Care


01.04.2016 - 15.02.2018

Beviliget beløb:

999.319,- DKK


Alternatives to Separation (ATOS)


Children-Women in Social Service and Human Rights (CWISH)




Projekt C (0,5 - 1 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

The overall objective of this project is to contribute to a broader and deeper understanding that a child should not be separated from his or her parents against their will, or because the parents do not have the sufficient information about the pitfalls about a child being separated from its family.

Umiddelbare mål

The project has two immediate objectives: - Enable families as well as local child protection mechanism to prevent unnecessary separation of children. - Strengthen local and national government, as well as civil society organisations to assure the effective implementation of national child policy, alternative care guidelines and standard


The project aims to reach children and families at risk of separation in the five VDC’s of Dhading district; Jharlang, Darkha, Satyadevi, Gumdi and Reegaun VDC. The following are the primary target groups of the project: - 50 children who have been unnecessarily separated from their parents and who now are residing at childcare homes are supported to be reintegrated with their families. - 80 vulnerable families vulnerable to lose their children to institutional care due to social and economic causes are supported with livelihood support. - 100 children at risk of separation are supported with psychosocial counselling and scholarships. - 100 parents are supported with individual parenting education in Reflect Centres. - 100 childcare home owners aware about the legal provisions and effects of child separation. - 10 members of National Project Advisory Committee (NPAC), including CCWB, are provided capacity building for the monitoring of childcare homes and case management of separated children. - 35 members of Village Child Protection Committees (VCPC) are provided capacity building. The secondary target groups encompass government agencies at district and local level, which potentially can reach the vulnerable families in risk of separation with different services. These groups include District Education Office (DEO), District Health Office (DHO), District Development Office (DDO), Village Development Office (VDO), and District Agriculture Development Office (DADO).


Dette projekt adresserer de årsager, som bevirker at mange børn i Nepal kommer på børnehjem, selv om et stort flertal har en eller begge forældre. Stigningen af adskilte børn fra deres forældre er et nyt fænomen, hvor et stort antal børnehjems-anbragte børn er foranlediget af agenter. Staten har ikke formået at adressere de grundlæggende årsager til, at et stigende antal børn anbringes på børnehjem. Fattigdom er en del af forklaringen, men årsagen skal også findes hos nævnte agenter, idet disse indgår i forretningsmæssige relationer med nogle af børnehjemmene. Dette projekt har en integreret tilgang, og engagerer statslige myndigheder lokalt, på distriktsniveau og nationalt, der har tilsynspligt med børnehjemmene, og som kan øve indflydelse på de sårbare familier, der er i risiko for at deres børn separeres. Desuden vil projektet også engagere skoler, kooperativer og NGOer, som direkte er i kontakt med de udsatte familier i risiko for separation.