Psychosocial Support for Victims of Political Repression and Protest Crackdowns


08.12.2024 - 08.12.2025

Beviliget beløb:

499.917,- DKK

Samlet budget:

499.917,- DKK


Nunca Mas


Georgian Association For Psycho Social Aid NDOBA




Naboskab - Medborgerindsats

World goals:

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

Indsatser foregår i:



By providing psychosocial support to individuals and groups affected by political repression in Georgia the project partners aim to strengthen civil society by assisting human rights defenders (HRDs) in overcoming negative psychological impacts of state violence. This will enhance the capacity to defend civil rights and promote civic engagement, as an increasing number of individuals will be empowered to continue participate actively in public life in order to counter a hostile state that has curtailed human rights, undermined the rule of law and impeded democracy. Professionals capacitated by the project will provide psycho-social attention to HRDs. Thereby, the intervention contributes to a strong and vibrant civil society. The establishment of a referral system with other human rights organisations will secure the provision of legal and other kinds of support, as well as refer HRDs in need of mental health care. The information gathered shall be used for advocacy when appropriate.