Emergency response to Population Affected Armed Inter-Clan Violence in Qansaxle, Galdogob District Mudug Region.


28.10.2024 - 10.02.2025

Beviliget beløb:

500.000,- DKK

Samlet budget:

500.000,- DKK


Rajo Organisation


Al-Rahma Charity


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen


24-012-RO Conflict in Somalia

World goals:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 2: Stop sult

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Indsatser foregår i:



An inter-Cluster mission visited Gaalkacyo and Galdogob districts, Mudug region, Somalia from 18 to 22 August, to assess the impact of clan violence, humanitarian needs, response gaps and the overall support required to ensure effective humanitarian interventions. The humanitarian response is insufficient in some areas, including those newly established IDP camps. The proposed intervention will be implemented in Qansaxle Galdogob District in Mudug Region targeting 1950 people (280 households) 160 hhs in Nugalgaban IDP camp and 120 hhs in Ahmed kheyr IDP camp in Qansaxle, Galdogob district. The displaced individuals are living in open areas without proper shelter, facing protection vulnerabilities and risks. It is in particular women, children and elderly that were affected by the ongoing conflict that are at high risk. The targeted villages between the Puntland and Galmudug administrations are among those impacted by the conflict.