Action of the Miskitu and Tolupán indigenous peoples for a dignified life in a context of climate change


01.01.2019 - 30.06.2023

Beviliget beløb:

2.000.000,- DKK


Verdens Skove


Asociación para el Desarrollo de La Mosquitia – Mosquitia Pawisa Aslika (MOPAWI)




EU samfinansiering

World goals:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 4: Kvalitetsuddannelse

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 12: Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion

Mål 13: Klimaindsats

Mål 15: Livet på land

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

The Indigenous peoples (IP) Miskitu and Tolupán are empowered in order to reduce poverty and improve their living conditions thanks to the internalization of best practices and self-governance that is favorable to a sustainable and resilient development in favor of their rights as IPs, their environment and the global climate.

Umiddelbare mål

• The IPs Miskitu and Tolupán, through their territorial councils and their representative organizations, MASTA and FETRIXY, strengthen their territoriality, their governance model; and establish favorable relationships with state authorities at the local / municipal, departmental, and national levels in coordination with CONPAH. • Rural Miskitu and Tolupan families contribute to the mitigation of climate change (CC) and the protection of biodiversity through reforestation actions, environmental awareness and participatory forest monitoring. • Rural Miskitu and Tolupan families improve their food security, their green economy and their adaptation to CC through good organization as well as sustainable management of natural resources in forestry and agroforestry systems.


The final beneficiaries of this proposal are the members of all the IPs in Honduras that will benefit directly from the strengthening of their collective property rights and their right to self-govern. The direct beneficiaries are the 72,000 Miskitu (primary), Tuahka, Pech and Garífuna in the 12 titled territories in La Mosquitia and 50,000 Tolupan people from the 31 Tolupán territtories. The direct beneficiaries will directly benefit from the empowerment of their representative organizations, MASTA and FETRIXY, and the improved organization of productive activities and the protection of common resources. The selection of participants for the specific activities will specifically target women, especially single mothers, in activities such as the establishment and training in agroforestry systems and plantations of timber trees, while participation of young people will be specifically promoted in activities such as sustainable forest management and interterritorial monitoring of natural resources and the prevention and combat of forest fires. The project focuses on two of the 12 territorial Miskitu councils established in the landtitling process in La Mosquitia, Wamakklisinasta and Truktsinasta, in which 16 Indigenous communities of the Miskito ethnic group are located and with a total population of about 4,500 people of which an approximate 49% are men and 51% are women. The project also focuses on three Tolupan territories, including El Zapotal (two will be defined during the project inception phase), located in the departments of Yoro and Francisco Morazán. There is a total of 31 Tolupan territories, of which 17 have or have had a forest management plan.


The objective is to empower the Miskitu and Tolupan Indigenous peoples of Honduras by increasing their organizational capacity, advocating for their rights at all governance levels, and providing them with tools for sustainable forest management that tackle the main environmental and livelihood threats they face due to climate change. The project will expand Forests of the World’s existing work in Honduras, where poor and marginalized rural families and Indigenous Peoples in forest areas are struggling to sustain their livelihoods. The final beneficiaries of this proposal are the members of the nine Indigenous peoples that are formally recognized in Honduras. The direct beneficiaries of the project are the 72,000 Miskitus, Tuahka, Pech and Garífuna living in the 12 titled territories in La Mosquitia and 50,000 Tolupan people from the 31 Tolupan territories.