Mobilising Young Women from Minority Faith Communities to Tackle TFGBV in the North and East of Sri Lanka


01.05.2025 - 30.11.2025

Beviliget beløb:

149.806,- DKK

Samlet budget:

149.800,- DKK


Partners (Frederiksberg Integrations Forening)


National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka




Small Project

World goals:

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Indsatser foregår i:

Sri Lanka


The project aims to equip 14 young women of minority faith communities in Sri Lanka's Northern and Eastern provinces, including 2 state and legal actors, to combat Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) and hate speech. These trained participants will then lead 12 knowledge-building sessions on TFGBV with peers, reaching over 350 young people. Building on Project 23-5032-CSP-SI, NCEASL will collaborate with 2 local CBOs to train participants, conduct knowledge-building sessions, and implement 2 advocacy initiatives with state actors. The project seeks to strengthen women’s leadership in TFGBV prevention, promote safer online spaces, and enhance civil society engagement. Ultimately, it will empower young women as changemakers, foster resilience among peers, and raise awareness about TFGBV and hate speech.