Female Freedom

Female Freedom is a non-profit member organisation working to achieve gender equality and a just world in which all genders have equal access to freedom, influences and resources. Female Freedom aims for woman, non-binary, gender queer and girls to become conscious of and creating a space for personal freedom in order to aid an inner revolution of personal autonomy, freedom and responsibility. Female Freedom works in selected countries and combats the causes of gender inequality in Denmark and internationally.


Viktoriagade 16C,3

1655 København V

Tlf: 21655753

E-mail: troelskolster@gmail.com

Web: https://www.femalefreedom.org

Indsatser foregår i:

South Africa

Bevillinger: Female Freedom In MaThoko’s Footsteps: Re-indiginizing LGBTQI+ Youth Activism In MaThoko’s Footsteps: LGBTQI+ Youth Activists (Re)claiming Space, Resources and Dignity
FN's Verdensmål:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

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