WARDI Relief and Development Initiative


Mogadishu, Banadir

MQG Mogadishu

252-615501688 wardiorg@yahoo.com https://wardirelief.org/


Somali Rehabilitation and Development Association "SORADA"

The state collapse and civil war in Somalia followed by years of inter-clan conflict in Somalia that led to the excessive destruction of both public and private infrastructures due to the lawlessness and chaos resulted to the formation of WARDI Relief and Development Initiatives. The Organization was formed by a group of professionals from different professional background including; water, sanitation, health, agriculture, livestock, education, environment and other fields of social sciences and political economics from humanitarian sector, education and research institutions who has been committed to contribute humanitarian relief and development for the people in Horn of Africa. WARDI Relief & Development Initiatives is a national non-profit making and non-governmental organization founded on 20 June, 1993 and subsequently registered under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the transitional federal government of Somalia through under Article 22, Para 1, 2, 3; Article 26 and Article 67 Para3 of the transitional federal charter of Somalia in 2004, as well as the Article 7, Article 26 and Article 32 of the first constitution of Somalia in 1960.WARDI is also registered in Kenya with the NGO Coordination Board of Kenya through the NGO Coordination Act of 1992. However, WARDI relief and development initiative particularly targets the most vulnerable members of the society mainly women and children, it focuses on issues of WASH, Health, Livelihood, Education, Skill Development, as well as other human rights issues such as Protection, HIV/AIDs, Gender with special focus on women and youth empowerment through civic education, skill development, intensive employment and income generation activities (IGA