Somali Rehabilitation and Development Association "SORADA"
SORADA was established in January 2012 by Somali Diaspora in Denmark to contribute the building of new Somalia and implementing social development and humanitarian programs in Somalia. The objective was to support the social development projects and humanitarian intervention in Somalia. We have partneship cooperation with Civil Society in Development (CISU) and Danish Emergency Relief Fund (DERF) and Danish Refuge Council.. We are engaged in humanitarian and development project in Somalia. We voluntarily help the vulnerable Somali people who been suffering with droughts, cyclones and famine and devastated by civil war and conflict. Health and educational institutions are destroyed by civil war and political unrest. We have implemented several humanitarian projects funded by DERF and several deevelopnet project funded by DRC to reduce the suffering of the vulnerable people in Somalia
Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner
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CISUs Verdenskort
CISUs Verdenskort giver dig et indblik i de projekter, der støttes af CISUs puljer, samt i de danske organisationer og deres partnere, som administrerer projekterne.
Når du vælger et land på kortet, får du et overblik over de forskellige projekter, men du ser også, hvilke CISU-medlemsorganisationer, der arbejder i det pågældende land.
Foto: Foto: Jjumba Martin, Tandsundhed Uden Grænser
Her kan du se den samlede oversigt over alle de mange projekter, som er støttet af CISUs puljer rundt om i verden. Både igangværende og afsluttede. Der kan desuden filtreres på både indsatstyper, lande, verdensmål.