Niigmiin Tunshleliin Suljee (NTS)/ Social Partnership Network


Chingeltei district, 4. khoroo, Baga Toiruu 18-1, 4. floor, no. 10

210646 15141 Ulaanbaatar

+97611 329888, +97611325022, Social Partnership network/Нийгмийн Түншлэлийн Сүлжээ/


Dansk Mongolsk Selskab

NTS is established in 10.5.2004 by Mongolian social workers from fifteen local areas, who have participated in 2-years social work training organised by Danish Mongolian Social Work Training and Research center "DaMoST". NTS is a public service providing non-government organisation. The objectives of NTS are to improve active partnership and cooperation between citizens, volunteers, and regional organisations, to promote sustainable social and economic development in local areas and thereby improve the quality of life of citizens and contribute to fulfillment of UN's sustainable development goals in the local areas. As part of fulfillment of its objectives, NTS and its branches support the establishment of savings- and loan groups and train and advise citizens who are interested in entrepreneurship and thus contribute to reduction of poverty in local areas. In recent years, NTS has worked to revise the statutes from 2004. The new statutes were approved during the general meeting in november 16, 2022. General meeting of the central organisation NTS is held every second year. General meeting of local branches, who have 3317 members, is held every year.