Mi Cuerpo/Min Krop Colombia


Calle 5 # 66-09

76033 Cali

+573126985482 shanonjoerns@gmail.com


Mi Cuerpo/Min Krop


Breaking the taboo – S&RHR education in a family setting Board game about sex education and gender equality for Spanish class in Danish high schools Transforming perspectives on S&RHR education in Colombia S&RHR education program for a rural school in Colombia Board game about sex education and gender equality for Spanish class in Danish high schools Board game about sex education and gender equality for Spanish class in Danish high schools S&RHR education in Colombia and Mexico Breaking the taboo – S&RHR education in a family setting

The Organization has been providing Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (S&RHR) education workshops with local partner schools since May 2017 in and around Cali and Popayán in the South West of Colombia. During these 7,5 years, we have been providing different workshop programs with partner schools in low-income areas. Our objective is to facilitate S&RHR education so Colombian children and teens can live a free and informed sexuality. We are currently implementing different interventions: 1. Student workshops with focus on topics like anatomy, STIs, birth control, consent, pleasure, sexual diversity etc. 2. Family event as a way to break the taboo about sexuality. These events are held in collaboration with partner schools 3. Digital communication strategy to strengthen the information on different SoMe platforms as well as a blog, podcast, informational guides etc. 4. Supporting a rural area school on the creation of a S&RHR education program. We are in direct contact with the students, teachers and admin staff at the partner schools and we do our best to make the topics and workshops as relevant and useful for the target groups as possible.