ATFGM - Association for the Termination of Female Genital Mutilation


Masanga Village, Tarime


+255 744 157 011


Terre des hommes, Danmark

ATFGM was as an answer to the demand of parents of the Kurya Community who did not want their daughters to be mutilated, and girls who asked for protection from the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, as they did not want to undergo FGM. The Catholic Bishop of Diocese of Musoma, during his pastoral visitation at Rogoro parish in 2008, preached publicly against all forms of discrimination in Kurya society especially Female Genital Mutilation and child marriage, which affect development of girls and women. He asked the Daughters of Charity working at Masanga - Tarime and the members of the community to form an organization that would help to educate the community, in order to promote respect of human dignity and human rights. ATFGM as Non–Governmental Organization works under the Daughters of Charity, Tanzania. PURPOSE: (1) Contribute to ending FGM/Gender based violence. (2) Document impact of FGM and gender based violence on society and to co-create solutions. (3) Promote respect for human dignity and equality of all human beings. (4) Empower the Kurya society to accept positive changes that will enhance their development. (5) Prepare good leaders who stand for justice, truth, accountability, transparency and gender equality. (6) Form smaller ATFGM groups in various parts of Tanzania for achieving the objectives above. ACTIVITIES: Lobby/advocacy to influence policies/laws to prevent/respond to child exploitation. Build capacities of community leaders. Collaborating with Government to train local child committees. Establishing and strengthening child right clubs; training peer educators/students councils. Psychological counselling families and survivors. Shelter services (Rescue, legal, medical, alternative rite of passage for girls, trauma counselling and material support for survivors. Awareness campaigns, child and gender violence and exploitation. Capacity building and provision of alternative income to ex-mutilators and traditional elders.