Global Forum for Development (GLOFORD Uganda)


The Leadership House, Plot 106, Police Road, Adyel ward, Lira West City Division, Lira City. P.O Box 741, Lira


+256-392175980 / 774016223 / 755000283 / /



GLOFORD’s history: Its three years after the Juba peace process and guns are silent in Northern Uganda but a huge need for development and humanitarian transformation is at hand. The year is 2009 when a young leader Morris Chris Ongom is fresh from the University. He is convicted to contribute to the reconstruction and development of the post Northern Uganda Lord’s Resistance Army conflict with Government of Uganda. He designs GLOFORD Uganda and first calls it Global Partnership For Holistic Development which only later would change to Global Forum For Development (GLOFORD) Uganda as he registered it at national level as a national local NGO. Global Forum For Development-GLOFORD Uganda is a child and youth serving not for profit Christian advocacy, development and research organization which was founded in 2009 and registered in as Community Based Organization (CBO) with Lira district Local government on 7th April 2010. In 2015, GLOFORD was registered as a national NGO with Registration Number S.5914/10939. Currently, GLOFORD is making development work for the children, youth and women and the most vulnerable populations and groups across Lira city, Lira District, Alebtong, Oyam, Dokolo and Kole districts in Lango Sub-region and Pader and Agago districts in Acholi sub region.