
Lenkavskogo str 4a, Office 41

76010 Ivano-Frankivsk




The youth organisation “STAN” is a non-governmental organisation which utilises grassroots methods of informal education, emphasizing local initiatives and active citizenship, with a particular focus on vulnerable and marginalised groups. Driven by the core values of freedom, respect for human dignity, mutual assistance, and diversity of cultures and mindsets, the team of “STAN” strives to build up a creative civil society in Ukraine. This work is only possible when there is democratic governance and a societal culture of promoting human rights. The mission of “STAN,” therefore, is to enhance the voices of those who are not heard by providing participants in its projects with professional development, helping them to make their first steps in civic engagement, and by creating and sustaining networks of mutual support. “STAN” specializes in education on human rights, participatory democracy, cultural management, project management, 21st century skillsets, and the development of stable networks and initiatives.