DNI Costa Rica (Asociación por la Defensa de los Derechos de las Personas Menores de 18 años)


Biblioteca pública de Moravia, 50 Oeste, 100 Norte, 10 Este

Apartado 1760-2100 San José

+50622369134 secretaria@dnicostarica.org http://www.dnicostarica.org


International Børnesolidaritet

DNI Costa Rica works to promote and defend the human rights of children and adolescents, contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of minors, their families and communities, through comprehensive interventions that make it possible to reduce violations of their rights and focusing on the structural causes that restrict the right to a dignified and quality life. Throughout its 29 years DNI Costa Rica has developed models that address the different problems and violence experienced by minors, through various strategies such as political advocacy, mobilization and social denunciation, training for key actors, communication and direct attention of almost 30 thousand children, adolescents, 16 thousand families in 230 communities. All the projects and actions of DNI encourage and encourage the participation of minors, in the various areas of their family, community, school, economic, social and cultural reality. In the same way, respect for other people, harmonious and respectful coexistence, mediation, conciliation and agreements, characterize the work. Through your DNI actions: • It works on the progressive autonomy of children and adolescents, their strengthening and development of capacities and abilities. • It contributes to the strengthening and generation of opportunities for adolescents and young people and their qualified insertion into the labor market. • Promote the reduction of violence in all its manifestations. • Promote solidarity societies and promoters of spaces of harmonious and respectful coexistence. • It urges that work be done to reduce poverty and improve the conditions and quality of life of the inhabitants and communities of action. • Promote the enjoyment and exercise of the right to quality education and therefore the enjoyment and exercise of other human rights. • It encourages governments and various public actors to be responsible and respectful. • It encourages real participation, social action and citizenship.