Youth for Africa (YOA)


Sinza Mori Chui Street House 6

77041 Dar es Salaam




Youth for Africa (YOA) is a youth-employment focused organization that has made impact to thousands of in-school and out-of-school youth through its impact-based capacity building programmes in agriculture, service based industries and other sectors. Currently, YOA implements Youth Employment Initiative of Dar-es-Salaam (YEID) project in partnership with Forum for International Cooperation (FIC), Don Bosco, youth organizations and private sector companies. Through this project more than 650 youth (340 women) have benefitted. Previously, YOA partnered with SNV through Opportunities for Youth Employment Project in Life Skills component in Sunflower in Dodoma and in addition YOA also partnered with Swisscontact Foundation previously in the implementation of Skills Development in Agriculture Sector (SDAS) in Kilombero district between 2011 and 2014 and now in Swiss-funded Skills for Employment in Tanzania (SET) project. Currently, YOA innovately provides online matching services for youth through its online platform namely Ajira, Taarifa na Mafunzo (ATM).