tMinds Society


℅ Mzuzu University, P/Bag 201, Mzuzu



FAIR Danmark

In 2013, the Department of ICT at Mzuzu University entered into a partnership with FAIR, a Denmark based organisation, whereby refurbished computers populated with offline resources were distributed to secondary schools in Malawi. When the first container of computers and other resources arrived in Malawi from Denmark, Mzuzu University engaged student volunteers to assist in setting up the centres in various secondary schools. These students were continuously engaged from time to time in establishing new centres, training teachers and students on how to operate the resources, and also in the maintenance of the labs. This engagement provided an opportunity for the students to practice some classroom concepts and it was also used as a vehicle for community outreach. The students and staff established a society that was more organised, semi-independent of the traditional operational arrangements of the university. This led to the birth of tMinds. Purpose: Create a platform for outreach programs for students through the development of social-economic technological solutions. Create a tech-preneurship hub to empower and mentor youths in entrepreneurship skills Advocate for use of technology in all sectors of development mainly in education,health, agriculture and mining. Activities: Capacity building in ICT skills and tech-preneural skills for members. Establishing ICT centres in secondary schools to improve access to ICTs. Building ICT solutions and apps for community empowerment. Conducting awareness campaigns on ICT related issues.