New ways organization


EX UNICEF Common Compound, Wadjair district,Mogadishuew-




Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM)

New Ways is an active and authentic local NGO based in Mogadishu, Somalia. It was founded in 1993, when people of Merka city in Lower Shabelle region of Somalia suffered the severity of the humanitarian crises resulted from the ongoing civil war and hostilities. To respond the emergency situation, NWO immediately engaged the Merka community and formed a local committee and an executive team. Initially NWO received partial funds from a Swiss volunteer woman named Verena who was later killed by criminal armed men. With active community participation, NWO in a very short period succeeded to establish a health center and a primary school. This infirmary project was followed by other projects in the field of education, sanitation and emergency assistance. Eventually, Local intellectuals and Somali diaspora individuals took over the funding and governance role to keep New Ways continue its prolific service delivery for the targeted communities. NWO expects to achieve greater impact through the improvement of the general work standards, and in getting across the concept of working systematically with international development agencies; conventional actors and the private sector through coherent strategies towards well-defined goals. NWO grew faster and extended its humanitarian and development projects to other parts of Southern Somalia. NWO’s Main office was moved to the Capital in 2013. Merka base remains as sub-office. Three other sub-offices were also founded in Barawe, Afgoi, Qoryolei, Kunturwarey, Jowhar, Galgadud and Central regions respectively. The core organizational objective of New Ways is to contribute to sustainable humanitarian and recovery interventions, youth and women empowerment, good governance and development initiatives for Somalia.