Development Aid From People to People Zimbabwe


4 Kensington Road, Highlands, P.O.Box 4657

NA Harare

263 772419705


Ulandshjælp Fra Folk til Folk - Humana People to People


Building community led resilience through climate change adaptation actions in Makoni District, Zimbabwe Building adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities to climate change in Chimanimani District

Development Aid from People to People Zimbabwe (DAPP) was established in June 1980 soon after the country declared independence. It is a registered Zimbabwean non-governmental organization (#W0/22/80.) Since its establishment, DAPP has continuously worked in Zimbabwe, providing vital development assistance to the population under all circumstances. The Mission of DAPP Zimbabwe is to implement quality community led projects in order to empower the people with knowledge, skills and tools to improve their well-being in five sectors, namely Community Development, Agriculture, Education, Health and Emergencies. DAPP’s initial mission was in the area of education, and it began its work by constructing and operating primary and secondary schools in rural areas. Among the first schools constructed was the Chindunduma Youth Academy for returning refugees. In 1981, DAPP started the Ponesai Vanhu Technical College, offering courses in self-reliance for rural youth. Since then, DAPP has expanded the breadth of its programs from education to include community development, humanitarian and emergency aid distribution, agricultural development, health promotion, HIV/AIDS prevention, TB prevention, and small business management. DAPP also operates a capacity building institute, where future project leaders from Zimbabwe and other developing countries are trained in project management. DAPP has built a strong network of support among local authorities, health agencies, business leaders and local entities. DAPP objectives include: • To bring about solidarity between the people around the world • To promote social and economic development in Zimbabwe and in Southern Africa region through the implementation of development projects in the areas of training, education, social welfare, health, culture, environment, production, agriculture and trade • To promote a better life for the population’s underprivileged and most needy