Kontakt: |
Mango Apartment Wood Ave Nairobi P.O Box 46163 - 00100 Nairobi +254(020)2656281 http// |
Organisation: |
Bevillinger: |
Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in East and Southern Africa (2026-2029) Civil Society Action for Improved WASH Services in East and Southern Africa (2022-2025) |
The Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Society Network is the National Network of Water Civil Society Organizations in Kenya. The Network was established in August 2007 and registered as a society in August 2010 KEWASNET envisions a society with sustainable universal access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene. The Network’s mission therefore is to work towards promoting good governance in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. In order for KEWASNET to achieve this, it has strongly embarked on the values of Partnership and Collaboration, Innovation, Integrity, Professionalism, Respect and Accountability. KEWASNET provides a linkage between Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Water Resources Management (WRM) utilities and users by facilitating partnerships between policymakers and stakeholders, and encouraging equitable participation by all parties in governance and decision-making mechanisms. The Network keenly focuses on four key strategic objectives that form its pillars of success as it works towards promoting good governance in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. KEWASNET therefore seeks to enhance the capacity of members and partners in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, the Network also works towards ensuring the existence and improvement of policy environment and practices in WASH / WRM. Through Coordination and Networking KEWASNET seeks to have a strengthened CSO coordination for effective sector Engagement and to effectively enhance institutional development and sustainability.