Udayan Swabolombee Sangstha (USS)
Kontakt: |
House - 21/12, Babor Road, Block - B, Mohammadpur, 1207 Dhaka +88 02 9121334 uss.gaibandha@gmail.com http://www.udayanbd.org |
Organisation: |
USS started its journey back in 1979 in Shaghata Upazila under Gaibandha District. As a non-profit organization Udayan has been working with poor, disadvantaged and marginalized people and communities to achieve sustainable development in remote areas. In 1981, Udayan was registered with the Department of Social Welfare and in 1991 from the NGO Affairs Bureau. The vision of Udayan Swabolombee Sangstha is to establish social justice and knowledge based self-supporting society. The missions of the organization is to create employment through increasing knowledge and skills, mobilization local resources, dissemination of information and technology, creation of friendly environment for development, social and economic empowerment, gender equity and equality and establish human rights.