Amnesty International Mexico


Hércules 13 Col. Crédito Constructor

03940 Mexico City



Amnesty International


Helping Each Other (Timopalewia): Strengthening Indigenous Organizations and Communities Defending Their Land, Territory and Environment in Puebla, Mexico

Amnesty International (AI) Mexico is committed to advancing human rights through advocacy, research, and community mobilization. Since its founding in 1961, AI Mexico has developed extensive strategies to address complex social and human rights challenges within the country. In alignment with the AI Global Strategic Framework 2022-2030, AI Mexico focuses on two primary goals: protecting the freedom of expression and civic space, and promoting equality and non-discrimination, including climate justice. AI Mexico is also committed to promoting intersectional gender justice. The organisation's programs aim to eliminate barriers that women and indigenous communities face, fostering safe and equitable participation in public life. In climate justice, AI Mexico works to protect indigenous land defenders. AI Mexico amplifies its reach through partnerships with local civil society organizations and international coalitions, enhancing its ability to respond swiftly to rights violations. By 2030, AI Mexico envisions a more robust, youth-driven movement that empowers all people in Mexico to exercise their rights, contributing to AI's global mission of a world where every person enjoys all human rights.