Ngalo Buwereza Organization


P.0 Box 806 Mukono Uganda

312 Kampala

+256752982055 http://None


RAISE - Research & Action for Income Security


Organising home-based workers in Uganda

Ngalo Buwereza Organization (NBO) is a home based workers organization in Uganda. Home-based workers are workers who produce goods or services for the market from either their own homes, or adjacent grounds/premises, or a common place near their homes, provided the premises are not those of the employer. They could be either self-employed own account workers or sub-contracted workers (including piece rate workers) or both. Ngalo Buwereza formally registered in 2022 and nationally launched in February 2023. It is a member-based organization with 121 organizations representing 2300 members. Members engage in crafts, weaving, jewelry, bee keeping, fish farming, solar drying of fruits, vegetable growing, crop farming, poultry, piggery and other services. Ngalo Buwereza Organization has regional structures facilitated by district coordinators in west, Central and East districts of Uganda who coordinate activities to the National structure. Ngalo Buwereza organization has affiliates to Home net international, the global platform for Home Based Workers.