Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano


Avenida Ibérica, calle 6 oeste # 95 – Barrio Las Palmas

616 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz de la Sierra



Aktion Amazonas


Voices of Resilience: Empowering Indigenous People through Communication (VoR) Youth Engagement for Nature Conservation Bolivia, drought emergency and resilience Conserving Connectivity Protecting Indigenous Communities in Northern Chiquitanía Creating Community Governed Forest Corridor Building resilience in communities vulnerable to Climate Change in Bolivia

The FCBC was originally created to prevent major environmental impacts derived from development in the Chiquitano Dry Forest (Bolivian Tropical Dry Forest) ecoregion that were predictable due to the construction of the Río San Miguel - San Matías gas pipeline in 1999. Its mission is to promote harmonious coexistence between society and nature of the Chiquitano Forest, through the knowledge, appreciation and conservation of its natural and cultural heritage. We currently focus on 3 areas: conservation (to maintain connection through the fauna can move, the different types of vegetation maintain their dynamics and composition and the environmental functions are healthy in the long term), sustainability (promote in the field of sustainability the comprehensive development of soils and natural resources, the efficient management of environmental services such as water, the valuation of biodiversity, the development of inclusive product chains based on wild species, both timber as non-timber and above all, promote good practices of environmentally sustainable agricultural production) and recovery (The goal of the Foundation's work for the next five years is that 100% of the priority areas for conservation, especially protected areas, water sources and connectivity corridors, affected by the 2019 fires, are considered in ecological restoration processes by multiple actors, with incidence or concrete actions on the part of the institution).