Free Pentecostal Churches Tanzania (FPCT)


P.O. BOX 12251

255 Dar Es Salaam

+255 222850051


International Aid Services (IAS)


Sustainable and Equal Quality Educational Opportunities for All Sustainable and Equal Quality Educational Opportunities for All, phase 4

FPCT was found in 1932 by the Scandinavian Missionaries under the Swedish Free Mission with purposes of planting Churches and providing social Services. The organization went through many radical changes of structure to suit her mission and vision by changing names from SFM to PCSAT( May 5,1964) to PCAT (Dec 11, 1985) then to FPCT in July 14, 2001. Throughout all these years, the organization worked faithful in her mission and vision on preaching the Gospel and safeguarding her Pentecostal faith in all years over the country. On development side the organization managed to provide social services in Health, Vocation & Education trainings, literature, media, youth interventions, environment, social projects and humanitarian responses. The Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania (FPCT) is registered under the societies’ Acts 2002, by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the URT as per the Societies rule 5 of 1954. FPCT is operating under certificate of registration Number SA 6640 offered on 11th July 2001.The firm operates as FBO under certificate of incorporation of the registered trustees of the Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania (FPCT) provided on 29th January 2002 by the Administrator General of the United Republic of Tanzania. The organization operates as a non-profit organization with TIN 101-237-575.The organization is run by locals with good experience of internal and international cooperation.