

Tala, Shatkira

9420 Tala

0888 1711806866


U-landsforeningen Svalerne

In 1993 Bhumija Foundation has been established. Bhumija is situated at Tala Upazila under Satkhira district. From the beginning Bhumija Foundation has been working for the marginalized indigenous peoples, outcastes and untouchables’ communities or otherwise known as religio-ethnic minorities (REMs) in the Southwest region through different develoment activities. The advent of Bhumija Foundation began on early 1994 to solely dedicate an endeavor in addressing the deep-seated issues and concerns faced by the marginalized indigenous peoples, outcastes and untouchables’ communities or otherwise known as religio-ethnic minorities (REMs) in the Southwest region. With aspiration to ensure REMs’ fundamental rights and legitimate voices; participation and access to local structures, justice system, public services and resources; gender equity and diversity; equal opportunity and fair treatment; and pursue their rightful stake in the mainstream development process by honing and capacitating them to become active catalyst and empowered agents of their own development. Primary activities are as follows: 1) Involving the outcaste people in the development process. 2) Creating self-employment opportunities for the outcaste women and men.