Fairtrade Africa


Westcom Point, Block C, 6th Floor, Mahigu Mairu Road, Off Rhapta Road Westlands,


+254 ) 202 721930 c.hansen@fairtradeafrica.net https://fairtradeafrica.net/


Fairtrade-mærket Danmark

Established in 2005, Fairtrade Africa (FTA) is a member of Fairtrade International and the umbrella network organization representing Fairtrade-certified Producer Organizations in Africa and the Middle East. It has four (4) regional networks – Eastern & Central Africa; Southern Africa; West Africa; and the Middle East & North Africa. Fairtrade Africa currently represents 1,354,294 farmers and workers in 660 producer organizations spread across 28 countries in Africa and the Middle East by providing services to them that contribute to the improvement of their livelihoods. Fairtrade Africa’s secretariat is located in Nairobi, Kenya, and has 50% ownership of the Fairtrade system.