Media Academy for Journalism and Communication (MAJaC)


Newtown South, Bakau

+220 Banjul



Games (Gambia Media Support)


Unlock Potentials to Combat Migration (UPCOM)

As a not-for-profit social enterprise, MAJAC is an advocate in its own right. It is guided by its mandate to strengthen democracy in The Gambia through quality and effective journalism and communication. Its mission is 'to build and nurture critical minds set for the rapidly evolving world of journalism and communication'. MAJaC strives to empower CSOs and media to play their roles in building democracy by organizing agenda-setting events, training, workshops, in-house capacity development, research projects, and diploma courses on vocational level. MAJaC runs a curriculum aligned to the UNESCO Model for Journalism Education and is accredited by the National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA). However, the academy receives no public funding. MAJaC’s learning philosophy is very different from the dominating top-down education and training. MAJaC is nurturing involvement, participation, and implementation in real life. MAJaC was established in 2010 by the Gambia Press Union (GPU) and registered as a charitable organization with limited liability under the Companies Act. Though owned by GPU, the academy is governed by an independent board with members from the civil society, private sector, business community, the public, and women groups. As a charitable social enterprise, the academy runs courses at a cheaper rate compared to other educations and training providers in The Gambia. MAJaC generates income through course fees and fund-raising for its expenses and development, but not for profit. There are no shareholders to be given dividends. MAJaC’s earnings are to sustain its further consolidation and development, and any future surplus is by default statutory regulations channeled back into media development. The academy has 14 full-time and 7 part-time staff, who graduate up to 80 advanced diploma students per year. MAJaC offers a 2 years long Journalism diploma and 2 short certificate programs in “Film and Photography” and “Communication”.