Holistic Actions for Development and Empowerment (HADE)


Luzira Portbell Kamwanyi


+256414660254 haceug@gmail.com https://holisticactions.org/




Gatekeepers for unges globale engagement

Holistic Actions for Development and Empowerment (HADE) is a women-led, youth-serving and community-focused organization located in Kamwanyi -Port bell Luzira on the shores of Lake Victoria. HADE works with Adolescent Girls, Youth, and Women towards building self-reliant communities that value and appreciate women’s role in sustainable development. HADE started from a community mapping group exercise workshop that was facilitated by British Council in 2019 and the results from the exercise grew from a workshop activity to a community-focused organization supporting Adolescent girls, youth and women to be self-reliant through different interventions. These include the Urban Recycling and Skills Academy URSA; A Social Enterprise designed to skill youth and young women to find treasure in urban trash with an aspiration of skilling and promoting awareness towards climate adaptation. Climate Smart Play Space; A child-friendly and youthful urban play center designed to give the Kampala urban ghetto children an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of improving their environment in a playful way that equally keeps the mothers confident their safety. Women CSO Space; The women’s CSO space is a co-working and co-creation space for women-led and women-serving organizations in Greater Kampala metropolitan area. The space is designed/established to provide women CSOs with, Technical and administrative support for women-led CSO. HADE is currently supporting female-led CSOs and their leadership; Their women’s CSO space has hosted a series of leadership development training such as the school of local governance, budget Advocacy and Accountability-SLOGBAA, and Community Youth parliaments. Women in Climate Action; HADE want to further empower women to understand in detail climate change so as to innovate ideas and projects that promote gender-responsive climate action and Sustainable consumption of natural resources.