Fundación para la Conservación y el Desarrollo del Sureste de Nicaragua, Fundación del Río


San Carlos

+505 2583 0035, +505 86445967 - forkert


Verdens Skove


Mainstreaming local non-carbon benefits into national climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies

A) The protection and restoration of the natural, tropical ecosystems of Southeastern Nicaragua. B) Promote and support the validity and effectiveness of the legal framework that guarantees the protection of the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources. C) Promote environmental education D) Stimulate the use of alternative technologies with the participation of the population E) Promote the participation of the population in the environmental management of natural areas F) Promote socio-economic development and eco-tourism activities that increase the quality of life of the population. G) Contribute to the solution of social conflicts that undermine the environmental and ecological stability