Socio-educational center Surb Mariane of the Aragatsotn Diocese


Shahaziz street N 14

0201 Ashtarak



Soroptimist International, klub København


Vocational Training Program for Armenian Women

"Surb Mariane" socio-educational center was established by Aragatsotni Diocese, is not a legal entity, implements social support, community development and environmental programs. The city of Ashtarak is close to Yerevan, but there is quite a lot of unemployment and population outflow: men leave for foreign jobs, 2 The Ashtarak Social Center, St. Mariane leaving children in the care of women, often in rented space, without means of livelihood. Some of the women are single and unemployed, they do not have a profession, the main income of the families is the allowance, in some cases the disability pension. Women look for temporary seasonal work, participate in harvesting during the summer months, which is often the only income for the whole year. The goal of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of the Ashtarak community by providing a prosperous life and equal decision-making rights to socially disadvantaged families. The center pays special attention to the development of the skills of vulnerable groups, especially women, to vocational training, improvement of the economic situation, helps them become full members of society, supports the formation of civil society, community activation, increasing the educational progress and professional orientation of children, awareness of environmental issues. The center conducts research of vulnerable families of the community through home visits, interviews, observations, surveys, their needs are identified. Every year, the Center works with 80-85 families of women, youth, and children from Ashtarak and neighboring villages, who participated in the courses organized in the center and used the services provided. As of 2023, direct beneficiaries of the center are 90 women and 84 children, and indirectly - their relatives, friends, community members, volunteers who supported the work of the project - about 200 people. 374 people in total. As a result of the work, many women receive